Crash Course In Python 3

Python is a popular general-purpose programming language. For a while now, I wanted to pick up the language, however learning for the sake of learning is hard for me, until it was required of me to do my work. I spent a week learning python in order to do some embedded development work. I made 

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Third Year Engineering Project – Wearable ECG Monitor

This project aims to design a low power battery operated wearable device with wireless capability that can measure ECG from the bipotential single channel. The system is lightweight and small since it will be worn for a long period without a battery recharge. Use professional tools & software during development. Understand low level embedded systems and overcome problems which are specific to the project using OEM datasheet/documentation.

VHDL Mini Project – Xilinx Spartan FPGA

Part of the final year digital systems design module included a mini VHDL project. The aim of this project is to extend the knowledge learned in second year and incorporate it all into a single project.  Project specification: In this mini-project, you are required to design, verify and implement of a digital phase shifter and frequency 

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Year In Industry – Review

Company: Buckman Hardy Associate Position: Junior Embedded EngineerStart Date: June 2018End Date: September 2019 Summary: The year in industry is part of the 4-year BENG course from the university of kent. It contributes 10% to the final grade. The aim of this is to get real-world industry experience. Much has been achieved over the course of 15 

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FF3 3D Model

Fuse Finder III

Fuse Finder 3 is the third iteration of the FF product line.  The product has been redeveloped from the grounds up with a patented sensor design.  The MCU has been updated from PIC to ARM Cortex M0+, with a completely new software aritecture. The product consists of 2 parts: Receiver + Transmitter. My contributions to 

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Aquaculture Engineering – Tilapia Research

Tilapia Breeding: The biology of many individual tilapia species is now well known and the interest in using these species for fish farming has led to considerable developments in recent decades. The principal practical reasons for farming tilapia are: simple reproduction/breeding processes; rapid growth rate; good tolerance to high stocking densities and intensive rearing conditions; 

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Controlling Electronic Devices Using The Internet – NodeJS || Arduino Communication Project

Introduction This project in a nutshell: Controlling an Arduino micro controller from a web interface. Therefore control any electrical device from anywhere with internet. I wanted to stretch my understanding on programming and web development and what better way to do this then doing a simple but effective project. The hardware is kept at a 

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RGB Bluetooth Light Control with App

Video shows earlier development of the project where it only had an single LED. The project was later improved to work with 5050 RGB programable neo pixel strip with minor changes. This project took only few days and I was extremely inexperienced back in 2017. Bluetooth controlled RGB light using the arduino Bluetooth module 

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Masum Ahmed